Cross Culture Understanding


This paper is made for fulfill to Mid Term Test of Cross Cultural Understanding
Lecturer: Dian Kurniasih Wahyusari, S.S., M.Hum.

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NIM: 16112210021


            This research aims to determine how lifestyle influences on the appetite of papuan santri in Pesantren Darussalam North Female Blokagung Banyuwangi. In this research uses a qualitative approach, in which data and information were collected through surveys with the tools of questionnaire and interview studies. The sample in this research is 2 people of one person from papua and one person from java. The results showed that lifestyle has a significant effect toward the appetite of papuan santri in Pesantren Darussalam North Female because papuan santri have a different style of their food in their home and in pesantren where they life now.  And for javanese santri has not a significant effect toward the appetite because they have a similaruty food.

Keyword: Lifestyle, the appetite,  papuan and java santri.


Change is a constant and unavoidable. Every country even a city will not be separated from changes along with the times. Changes and developments occur in all aspects and fields, including changes in attitudes and behavior of individuals. Each individual has criteria and conditions that are different from each other which causes the complexity of individual behavior. A person's lifestyle shows the pattern of life of the person concerned reflected in his activities, interests, and opinions (Hair and Mc Daniel; 2001). Lifestyle is a reference that someone uses in behaving and the consequences will form certain patterns of behavior. Every person has a different pattern of behavior, habits, character, and needs, so that on the basis of these differences a classification of certain types of lifestyle is formed.
            Ambar (Ambarwati, 2011) states that a person's diet is shaped by his cultural background. Efendi (Mahmud Efendi, 2009) describes culture and food as having a very close relationship. People consume certain food ingredients that have social values ​​according to the level of social status found in these communities (Suhardjo, 1989 in Mapandin, 2006). According to one of the Papuan community leaders, Rev. Ms. Margarita J. Mali (2016), a resident of Tolikara Papua, consumes more sweet potatoes such as sweet potato petatas, taro and cassava as staple foods. Besides pork, chicken and wild boar. As a mountainous area the fish that is often consumed is freshwater fish. Inland communities prefer to hunt to find crops for consumption. While food that is often served in Islamic boarding schools in Java is mostly vegetables and rarely uses meat or fish. So this cultural difference between two people from Papua and Java is also an interesting material to be used as a study, namely the influence of the Papuan santri lifestyle on the appetite of santri at Pesantren Darussalam North female Blokagung Banyuwangi


The influence of the lifestyle of  the Maluku people on the appetite of people in Malang University.
Student of English Literature of Malang University, Rizka Amalia, at 2012
The result for this reseacrh is lifestyle has a significant effect toward the appetite of Maluku people in Malang University
1. Quantitative approach

2. 65 responden from two faculties.
Feeding behavior and nutritional status of students in changing cultural environments.
Student of literature languange of Brawijaya University, Azizah Omar at 2010.
Qualitataive approach
The result for this reseacrh there is no a significant effect of Feeding behavior and nutritional status of students in changing cultural environments.
Wardatut Toyyibah, thesis 2013 Surabaya. With the title An analysis of the difference between Javanese people lifestyle and Papua
Qualtitave approach
Method of research are interview, observation and documentation


Pesantren Darussalam is the biggest pesantren in Banyuwangi. The location in Karangdoro village, Tegalsari, Banyuwangi. It has many education start play group until university. The founder is KH. Mukhtar Syafa’at Abdul Ghofur and was dead at 1991. There are many santri from all city and province in Indonesia. Also there are from Thailand for about 7 people. And the other are from papua, Merauke, Sumatra, Sulawesi, etc.
For female, it devide for two locations are north female and south female. Different leader and rule but still one way or aim and one foundation. And my research now only focus on north female and exactly papuan dan javanese santri.


A.  Quistioner
1.        Do you feel happy when the first come in pesantren?
2.        Do you get a similarity food with your food in home?
3.        Do your menu in home is better than in pesantren?
4.        Do you eat everyday?
5.        Do you eat two times everyday?
6.        Do you always eat the menu from pesantren?
7.        Do you like that menu?
8.        Do you sick when you eat some food from pesantren?
9.        Do you eat the other menu from outside pesantren?
10.    Do you get difficulty for eat the menu from pesantren?

B.  Interview
1.    What your feel when you the first come in pesantren ?
2.    What the first food in your home?
3.    How many time you eat at one day in pesantren?
4.    What will you eat when the menu are not suitable with you?
5.    How the effect when you eat some menu from pesantren?

From the results of interviews with Papuan students at the Pesantren Darussalam Banyuwangi regarding eating behavior during boarding school it was found that the eating behavior of santri in pesantren was different from the previous eating behavior while in Papua. Papuans consume food only twice a day. Food taste is a major factor in food selection. Not a few food stalls in Islamic boarding schools that serve food with a taste that is slightly different from what is often consumed before. Papuans consume rice as a staple food replacing sweet potatoes consumed previously. As a result, he suffered liver disease for almost a month. So after that, he chose to buy side dishes and vegetables that were the way they wanted by buying it outside the pesantren. And for santri from Java, they did not experience any significant changes. Because their food at the pesantren is the same as the food that is usually consumed in his house.


In this study, the number of statement items is still very limited so that it is considered to be less than the maximum in digging up information from the object of research, so that if further research is conducted the number of statement points should be added more so that it can be maximal in getting information.
            Likewise, with the number of participants still very limited, then if you will carry out further research it will be better if the number of participants is more than two for maximum results.
