OUTLINE OF PROPOSAL THESIS : Mahasiswa S1 Prodi Tadris Bahasa Inggris




NAME            : St. Shofia Munawaroh

NIM                : 16112210021

MAJOR         : Tadris Bahasa Inggris (TBIG’16)

TITLE            : The effectiveness of picture media in teaching speaking skil of

descriptive things at the tenth grade students of SMA Darussalam in academic year 2019/2020


Language is the expression of human personality in the world, whether written or spoken. Language is the main means of communication used in social interaction within a community. Most of men’s activities are done by using language. People teach and learn through language, sell and buy a thing through language. People also speak and listen to others through language. In short, social interaction tends to involve language. Language then, is very important thing in our life. Without language, we certainly can not communicate one another properly.

English is agreeable as the first priority for communication in international relations. It is not something exclusive since the role of English is very important in many sectors such as; science, technology, business, and by mastering English, it will be easy for someone to adjust himself or herself to the world advancement. For the sake of better English mastery, countries in the world including Indonesia, have set up English as a part of their national curriculum especially for Junior High School, Senior High School, and University students.

In Indonesia English is a foreign or second language. The Indonesian government explicitly emphasizes that the aim of teaching and learning of English in Indonesia is to make the students have a good speaking ability in order to achieve the objectives of English teaching and learning as stated in the current curriculum.It has been a main subject for students in elementary until senior high school levels. English is essential to be taught for the younger people, for this case; students from the beginner up to senior high school. In developing the students’ ability in mastering English, it cannot be separated from speaking mastery, because it can be a measurement of students, understand in English.

According to School-Based Curriculum, the English teaching and learning in Senior High School is aimed to develop students’ communicative competence. Therefore, students need to be able to comprehend and produce spoken and written texts which consist of four language skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Among those four skills, speaking is seen as the most difficult. As Brown (2007) states, speaking is also considered as the most difficult and challenging skill to be mastered.

English has been a subject at Indonesian schools since a long time ago. Since then, many problems have been rising up within the process of teaching and learning in the class. These problems can be the students’ boredom, less participation, low interest, and demotivated towards English. Such conditions, however end with dissatisfied result of teaching and learning English.

SMA Darussalam is one of school in Banyuwangi which applied islamic boarding school or pesantren system. This is a unique school in Banyuwangi which settled down the curriculum 2013 but established the Islamic boarding system. In Islamic boarding system, all of the students must live in the dormitory in pesantren, boarding house a system to build their disciplines. The specialty of this school is the media to teach is important because it may give a significant impact in teaching learning process, especially in teaching English skills that had been conducted in some schools. One of a good media is pictures media may also create an interesting situation in the classroom of using picture media in teaching speaking skill. Teachers use the pictures media in any techniques or activities in order to meet the goal of speaking. Pictures are a very valuable resource as they provide a shared experience in the classroom, a need for common language forms to use in the classroom, a variety of tasks, and a focus of interest for students (Raimes, 1983). All of the teacher use picture media in delivering the lessons. It makes the students learn fastly how to speak english fluency by using picture media. But in the fact most of them do not have any bravery to speak English, even they basically can do that and used picture media. They are afraid of making mistakes and being laughed by their friends because of that, they really dislike to practice and describe the picture in front of the class even a simple one. They are speechless when they are asked to read or to pronounce even a simple sentence or a word of English. In other words, the students of this school have a crisis of self-confidence in English.


Because of that, the researcher was interested to conduct a nonexperimental quantitative research in teaching  his students’ speaking ability with the titleThe effectiveness of picture media in teaching speaking skil of descriptive things at the tenth grade students of SMA Darussalam in academic year 2019/2020”




1.      Do the students get suitable methods or technique in speaking lesson?

2.      Do The effectiveness of picture media in teaching speaking skil of descriptive things at the tenth grade students of SMA Darussalam in academic year 2019/2020?



The general purposes of this research are to find out the effectiveness of picture media in teaching speaking skil of descriptive things at the tenth grade students of SMA Darussalam in academic year 2019/2020. Furthermore, the purposes can particularly be formulated as follows is to know what the effectiveness of picture media in teaching speaking skil of descriptive things.



1.    The students get suitable methods or technique in speaking lesson

2.    The students who are use picture can improve more their speaking skill than those who are not use picture media.



The research result is expected to be useful for the following people: the English teacher, the students, and other researchers.

1.         For the English Teacher

The result of the research is expected to give an input to the English teacher to apply picture in teaching speaking skill that can help and motivate the student in learning speaking and improve their speaking skill in descriptive things. It can also motivate teachers to find a new method or technique which is appropriate in teaching speaking. It also encourages the teachers to develop their creativity in teaching  teaching learning process. In addition, the teacher’s capability to conduct the teaching and learning activity is improved as a result the teaching and learning activity can run well.




2.         For the Students

The result of the research is expected to give the student’s learning experience by using picture to motivate them in learning speaking so that they can improve their English speaking in descriptive things.

3.         For the Other Researchers

The result of the reasearch is expected to be useful for other researchers as a reference to conduct a further research dealing with the teaching of speaking by using picture in different research design, such as nonexperimental quantitative research for improving the student’s speaking skill by using picture.



The assumption is there is difference in the result of learning speaking between student who are taught using picture and those who are taught speaking without picture.

The researcher scope her research about the word “The effectiveness of picture media in teaching speaking skil of descriptive things at the tenth grade students of SMA Darussalam in academic year 2019/2020”. The limitation that are experienced by the researcher are about matter of time given to the researcher is tough too short to get perfect, lack of expert who can be met by researcher and lack of references of book gotten to support this research.



To clarify and to avoid misunderstanding of the terms and content of the study, it is necessary to define the key terms bellow:

1.    Picture

Wright (1989) says that pictures are not just an aspect of method but through their representation of places, objects, and people they are an essential part of the overall experiences the teacher must help their students to cope with.

2.    Speaking

As Brown (2007) states, speaking is also considered as the most difficult and challenging skill to be mastered.

3.    Descriptive  

Description is a genre which has social function to describe a particular person, place or thing.



a.    The definition of Picture

Based on Dictionary picture is a visual representation of a person, object, or scene, as a painting, drawing, photograph, etc. Pictures which are used to teach such as picture, picture series and so on. Wright (1988) states that pictures are very important in helping students to retell expreriences or understand something since they can represent place, object, people, etc.

b.    The definition of Speaking

River (1978:6) states that speaking is developed from the first contact with the language that we learn. Richard and Rodger, (1982:72) state that speaking activities which involve real communication promote learning. Moreover Freeman (2000:127) states that teacher is responsible to establish situations likely to promote communication

c.     The definition of Descriptive

Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. Specific participant has a certain object, is not common and unique (only one). For example: Bandengan beach, my house, Borobudur temple, uncle Jim. The use of the adjective (an adjective) to clarify the noun (noun) for example, be used for the following expression: a beautiful beach, a handsome man, the famous place in Jepara, etc. Use the present tense sentence patterns simple sentence patterns used are simple present for telling the facts of object descriptions

d.      Previous Study

A study conducted by by Rochmah found out that pictures give a good effect on the students’ reading of texts. The students are helped in the comprehension of the main idea. Azhari conducted an action research to the third year students of SMPN 18 Malang. He proved that the students’ writing skill had made an improvement after implementing the pictures as instructional media in writing activities.

Then, Anshori also conducted a study on cue cards to increase the students’ speaking ability. The subjects were the second grade students of SMPN 2 Pracimantoro, Surakarta. The students were satisfied and responded positively with the developed procedure. The other study was conducted by Susilowati. She conducted a classroom action research with the title “Using Cue Cards technique in Improving the Speaking Skill of the Eight Grade Students at SMPN 3 Balikpapan.” The result showed that the use of cue card tecnique had succeded in improving the students’ speaking ability.


RESEARCH DESIGN                     :

The method used in this research was quantitative research focused on improving speaking skill using series of picture. In this research, survey research is employed to find out the effectiveness of picture media in teaching  student’s speaking English in descriptive things. Survey research is one of components in nonexperimental quantitative research.



Population is defined as all members of any well defined class of people, events, or objects. The population of this research is the tenth grade students at SMA Darussalam in academic year 2019/2020. There are 4 classes for the tenth grade students of the school. Each class contains more or less 25 students.

The small group that is observed is called a sample. The researcher need technique to defined the sample through sampling. Sampling is indispensable to the researcher. Sampling comes to your aid by enabling you to research a portion of the population rather than the intire population. In this case, the researcher use Purposive sampling. Purposive sampling (also known as  judgment, selective or subjective sampling) is a sampling technique in which researcher relies on his or her own judgment when choosing members of population to participate in the study. Purposive sampling is a non-probability sampling method and it occurs when “elements selected for the sample are chosen by the judgment of the researcher. So in this case, the researcher choose the sample for this research  is the all students of tenth grade from language class that contains more or less 25 students.



Research instruments are tools developed by researchers to achieved their stated objectives when carrying out a research study. In other words, research instruments are designed tools that aid the collection of data for the purpose of analysis.

There are several type of research instruments, these include Questionnaire which include structured and unstructured.



Instrument is implementation or a piece of appartus used by the researcher in collecting the data. The Instruments of data collection used by the researcher were distributing questionare. The following are the explanation of questionare, validity of the instrument, and also reliability of the instrument.

a.     Questionnare

Once the overall research question has been determined, the next task is to construct an instrument that will provide the desired information. Because survey data consist of people’s responses to individual questions, it is essential to start with good question. In this research, the researcher used closed-ended question.


b.    Validity of the Instruments

Attention should be given to the validity of the questionares that is, whether they are really measuring what they are supposed to measure. Validity is a measure that shows the validity of a research instrument. Instruments are valid if the instrument can use to measure what you want to measure. To measure the validity of the instrument, researchers used a formula korelasi product moment or Korelasi Pearson, are:[1]



rxy =



rxy     = correlation coefficient

n         = the number of respondents

X       = score for each item

Y       = score of all items of the questionnare

c.    Reliability of the Instruments

Reliability is the degree of consistency with which it measures whetever it is measuring. A reliable instrument is that an instrument when used several times to measure the same object will produce the same data. The researcher only distribute the questionnare in one time. Dealing with that, the reliability of this instrument using the Cronbach Alpha formula:[2]

       r =


r                = instrument reliability

k               = number of questions

ơb²             = number of item variants

Vt²             = total variant

An instrument has a high level if the value of reliability r > 0,6.


Table 1.2

The value of Reliability Coefficient


Reliability Coefficient



0,800 - 1,000

Very High


0,600 – 0,799



0,400 – 0,599



0,200 – 0,399



0,00 – 0,199

Very Low



Survey do not require complex statistical analysis. Data analysis may simply consist of determining the frequencies and precentages of responses for the questions of the research.[3] Statistic descriptive are used in this research to find out mean, median, and mode value. After that,the researcher determining the frequencies of the data using index formula which calculate each categories as follow[4]:


P =  × 100%


P          : The symbol of percentage

       : The total amount of calculating each categories and scoring each items

       : The total amount of ideal score






[1] Sugiyono, Statistika Untuk Penelitian, (Bandung: CV Alfabeta,2003), 213.

[2] Anas Sudjono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo,2008), 365.

[3]Ary, Introduction to Research, 411.

[4]Sugiyono, Metode penelitian pendidikan, (Bandung: Alfabeta, 2017), 136-137.
